Small Classes, Convenient Locations, Great Teachers
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Who wants a
Higher Score?
Award-winning instruction; proven methods; small classes or 1-to-1 Instruction; we'll help you achieve your SAT or ACT Goal!
Small Classes
Effective Methods
Great Instruction
Our effective 11-session course consists of 24 hours of in-class content and proven strategy review; 3 full-length practice tests with detailed analysis.
Only $599
Created specifically for High-Scorers, this program includes our effective 11-session course consisting of 24 hours of in-class content and proven strategy review; 3 full-length practice tests with detailed analysis.
...PLUS three extra High-Scorers' Workshops (Elite A, B, and C) for a total of 9 additional instruction hours.
Only $699
Our 1-to-1 Tutoring Packages offer the same Content and Proven Strategy review​ - on your schedule. Plus up to 3 full-length practice tests with detailed analysis.
All our 1-to-1 Tutoring Students are also invited and encouraged to attend any and all Acumen SAT Classes and/or Acumen SAT Elite Workshops.
18 Hour Package: $1295
23 Hour Package: $1495